Page name: Bad Spellers Unite!!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-21 20:06:39
Last author: Cloudwatcher
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 17
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   This is a page deticated to those bad spellers who know it and are proud! we will someday rule the world, and our extream mad skillz at spelling we allow us to comunicate through letters, with great...great...(difficulty) ^_^ I am a badspeller and all who have talked to me, know so! I cant type very well also, that dosent help! people who can spell are rediculas..AH! I dont know how to spell!!! oh, thats the point...good show all!


1. To join just put your name (the link)
2. Show your bad spellers pride!(how ever you feel is likewize)
3.Please advertise this wiki with a banner, and a statement in your discription!! (with a link of course)


Wiki members : Bad Spellers Unite Members

OVER 100 MEMBERS!!!!! <'cheers'>

Clever Spellers Army for those who dont fit in here

YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club for those confuzzeld bad spelelrs^^ whatever that means....

Username (or number or email):


[CelticMoon]: Clever Spellers Army ....... just an idea

[CelticMoon]: and there enemys are ...::looks around:: , US lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i kinnda like it~

[CelticMoon]: ::grins:: well i try lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: ......walking.....talking.....dictionaries.....

[CelticMoon]: sad sad people

[Cloudwatcher]: i know a few walking dictionarys.. i am somewhat of one..not really it sad to read the dictionary and still not be able to spell?! lol

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...i can be...about the description of the meanin of a word...not spellin though

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: can't spell *twitches* evil mind controling bunnies!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

[CelticMoon]: lol i know lots of long words and what they mean ...... dont mean i can spell them lol

[Cloudwatcher]: O_o...... [O.o

[Cloudwatcher]: I'm a flying squirl moose..fear my awsome moosy powers! FLYING SQUIRL MOOSE ATTACK!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: i am going to create a seperate page for members..but i need stuff to replace the memebers list on this page..what should it be? i dont want it to be boring

[CelticMoon]: .... you could do lots of banner trades ... start with me

[Cloudwatcher]: like have people make banners and then post them?

[CelticMoon]: no ..well yes thats one but a banner trading is when you ask to take a banner from another wiki and advertise it and in turn they take yours and advertis it on there wiki its called a banner trade i do them alot at Order Of The Phoenix go see its under trading with the order .... you could have them on this maine page though

[Cloudwatcher]: ok that sounds would i set it up or anything?

[CelticMoon]: well since you need to fill space just put them with a link at the botewm of each banner and a lill note .. ill do the same for your wiki on mine

[Cloudwatcher]: huh? i am confussed

[Cloudwatcher]: well there is now a members page! i feel like i should make more sections to this wiki...but what???

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: WOW LIKE THE DRAGON!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: was pastel..then i smuged it..woo

[CelticMoon]: oooooooo i like it

[*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Okay! You idiots who started this wiki! You should have put "Bad Spelirs Unite!!!!" D'UH!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams* IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!! *stomps off!*

[CelticMoon]: noooooo cos bad spellers arnt THAT BAD

[Cloudwatcher]:   ...i feel very put out... i started this wiki...and i figued if i spelled it wrong no one would get it

[CelticMoon]: ((((((((hugs kristen)))))))) pay no attention to smiley

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ <snif> ok i feel better now... :P

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: Evil smiley

[Cloudwatcher]: <sticks toung out at joo> nah! nah!

[Cloudwatcher]: i've lost my voice! will someone help me find it?!? i need it!

[CelticMoon]: ::gets voice catching net:: THERE IT GOES ::runs after Kristens voice:: im gonna get ye !!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: lol thankx..well its getting away..ACK! i cant talk!! its kinnda annoying!

[the lonely princess]: hello ppl! i just discover this brilliant wiki...... Power to the ppl!

[Cloudwatcher]: ^O^  <does happy dance>


Poster Design Contest

[living dead girl666]: join ur what?

[Cloudwatcher]: my contest! poster design contest~ ^_^

[Kurus_Dreaon]: IM BACK!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_^

[Kurus_Dreaon]: haha...sorry abut that....lost the flippen link....but ihave returned

[Cloudwatcher]: lol no biggie. but why dont you watch it and it will never ever happen again? lol

[Kurus_Dreaon]: oh i was watchin it...but my idiot brother messed with my laptop when i fell asleep...he messed up a lot of things...cuz i was still on the internet...i bet thats what happened

[Cloudwatcher]: oh i c. ^O^

[Kurus_Dreaon]: but it shall not happen agin...i promise

[not quite an angel]: hey there ppl

[Cloudwatcher]: hello! ^_^

[Kurus_Dreaon]: whats up

[Cloudwatcher]: da sky O.o oh! and i have a new wiki! ^_^ Case Closed Lovers United  ^_^ even if you dont know what it is..go check it out !

[Kurus_Dreaon]: ill go.....could be cool

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ tis cool

[CelticMoon]: what is it .... im too lazy to go look

[Cloudwatcher]: lol its a fan club for the anime Case closed/ detective conan ^_^

[CelticMoon]: ....... no idea but for people who know what that means im sure its VERY good

[Cloudwatcher]: lol ^_^ yep it is

[nicegirl]: keri(the link)

[Cloudwatcher]: ?? huh?

[Kurus_Dreaon]: *blinks*

[Cloudwatcher]: <sigh> well ymschool started today...oh the joy..<sigh>

[CelticMoon]: lol were starteing tomorow ::sigh:: i HATE school

[Cloudwatcher]: <sigh> i hate having to wake up the school part is only slightly annoying..if only they didnt make us start at 7:30...

[CelticMoon]: OMG we start at 9

[Cloudwatcher]: <shrugs> no fair..

[Kurus_Dreaon]: meh...i started today to...not fun

[Cloudwatcher]: lol yea..i hate lunch the first few days..who to sit with now??? feel stupid looking for a friend to sit with..

[CelticMoon]: well we have these benches and we stuk 2 together and after everyones sat down (theres - me,vicky,izzy,elaine,shara,stacy,emma,joann G,johan s ,stasy,oliver,stamers,David,damon,jake,john) and after weve eaten then the fun starts lol veryone keeps trying to pull everyone of the bench and the lads (apart from oliver and stamer) start play fighting on the grass and froing water at us all so we do it back and its hileries and quite a few times David stole sharas shoes (after wrestling her off the bech and play fighting) and hid them and then her bag lol ALLLLLLL lunch she was sholess and fighting with david lol 

[Cloudwatcher]: lol yea..if there was somone in my lunch that i actually liked to talk with i would do that..but unitll i find a group to sit with..i will be all alone...

[nicegirl]: umm...could i get the password so i can join..please

[Kurus_Dreaon]: awww.....well then meet ppl

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i have ^^ i will add you [nicegirl] and i am removing the password on the members page

[Maurer's conclusions]: If you want some advice, you should change your wiki name to "Bad Spellers Untie!" or something along those lines.

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i thought of that before i made this wiki but if you look at it it looks like UNtie! like you untie your shoe and i thought some people might not get it so why not keep it simple?

[It Is Time To Let You Go!]: see this gose with my orgized people are just to lazy to look for things....poeple who know how to spell are just trying to show up us people who dont know how

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: ....... I am confuesed

[Cloudwatcher]: I am confussed to..

[Cloudwatcher]: i suppose if this was a page for the confussed..

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: No they have a place for them

[Kurus_Dreaon]: yes it is the confused club yep yep

[Cloudwatcher]: ;) i was like i would be cool if it was the confuused club but its i should be conffused!!! lol ^_^

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol tis awesome

[CelticMoon]: then lets start a confussed clud lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol there already is one

[Kurus_Dreaon]: so...we could start another

[Cloudwatcher]: i suppose..but what would we call it..cunfussed club is already taken!

[MACCANATOR]: i cant spell i fail every spelling test i tacke so can i join

[MACCANATOR]: ehat about confussseld

[CelticMoon]: YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club

[Cloudwatcher]: am i being volintered to create this bad spellers cunfuseled club??

[Cloudwatcher]: i am stealing your idea for a name.[CelticMoon]^^ hope you dont mind!

[Cloudwatcher]: ^^ new wiki for anyone who wants to join^^ YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club

[Kurus_Dreaon]: YES!!!!!!!

[CelticMoon]: YAY hay .... i must get a mention lol i dont do cool wired name things without a mention hehe (hugs)

[Cloudwatcher]: ^^ lol ok! i will meshin you ^_-

[Kurus_Dreaon]: lol

[CelticMoon]: yay lol ...... thankyoooooooooooou ((((((huggels)))))

[Wild Tigers I have known]: wats up yall

[Kurus_Dreaon]: not a lot here

[Cloudwatcher]: apparently...umm...not so exsiting..<sigh>

[RoseAngel]: Hello, does anyone have to be a Evanescence fan? They are one of my favorite bands....

[CelticMoon]: no .. but i do like my immortal

[Cloudwatcher]: i like them

[Kurus_Dreaon]: best band on the face of the earth right least in my oppinion

[nickrgbk?1327]: Billy Talent is beter

[Ravenclaw]: I love Evanescence! Just discovered them rcently however.

[Cloudwatcher]: i many..japanese..american..many many bands..cant choose one...

[Dark Trance]: Hello! I dunno u ppl but anybody listen to rock?

[CelticMoon]: pop/ rock if that counts lol

[Ravenclaw]: I hate pop. The rock I listen to is the older stuff. Like Creedence, the Who and Lynard Skynard.

[Dark Trance]: can u stand pop? I like linkin park, ect.....but i like the older stuff 2

[Dark Trance]: hello *hits in the head and runs like hell*

[squall lionheart14]: Is anyone there to talk to

[Dark Trance]: i dunno wait

[CelticMoon]: i is here

[CelticMoon]: i LOVE pop i think that some pop bands are brill but then you get realy realy bad once like the fast food rokers

[Cloudwatcher]: <walks in> /wonders about people and why i out myself amung you on purpse..../ heh..hi...jk..:D me listens to almost naything but rap icky rap

[Dark Trance]: I'll even listen 21 country sometimes but I HATE pop

[CelticMoon]: i HATE country it douse my head in lol

[Dark Trance]: better than pop!

[Ravenclaw]: I listen to everything but rap, pop and easy litening.

[Dark Trance]: eminem is ok but i hate pop and easy listening its annoying

[Cloudwatcher]: i dont like eminem, and i live in detroit! lol..i went to new york once and every one there though cuz we where from detroit we Loved bothered me to death...i suppose he is OK but if i had to choose, i wouldnt listen to him..i dont kno...what clasifys as POP? lol i think of the soda then i am kinnda strange..:s

[Ravenclaw]: I od like kid rock

[Cloudwatcher]: eww i hate kid

[Ravenclaw]: More so his country stuff,

[Dark Trance]: nah i like linkin park I JUST GOT THEIR NEW CD!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Ravenclaw]: their cool too. . . I love their animated video!

[Dark Trance]: yepyep

[Cloudwatcher]: i like them..^^ and a lot of other bands..but i dunno all of thereir names, sadly enough

[Dark Trance]: I just got good charlotte 2

[Cloudwatcher]: i stole a cd from my cousin by

[Dark Trance]: lol whitch 1?

[Cloudwatcher]: i dunno, the first

[Dark Trance]: young & hopeless?

[Cloudwatcher]: yea! thats the one!

[Dark Trance]: yepyep i got the chronicles of life and death

[Cloudwatcher]: yea, i liek simple plan to and...drat..cant remember the names of any of them!!!!!!!!!!

[Dark Trance]: green day

[Cloudwatcher]: yep..them and and..drat

[Dark Trance]: blink182?

[Cloudwatcher]: yep..perfect circle, jimmy eat world,the used...

[Dark Trance]: yay it worked!!!!!!!!!! u remembered all the names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: there are more

[Dark Trance]: still

[Cloudwatcher]: yea, but there are a lot more i cant remember

[Dark Trance]: lol

[Dark Trance]: lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol, you rrally dont need to corrrect yourrselff in a bad spellers wiki! lol ^^

[topaz dragon]: lol word!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yay!*doin the happy dance

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: man i'm bored*ywns bigly*

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: iz bac!*smiling bigly*

[Cloudwatcher]: word yo :D, greets you into thsi humble abode

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hey all iz bac!!!*smily bigly and waveing while doin the peace sign*

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: Hey you should read the comic Naruto it is histarical

[Cloudwatcher]: <sigh> i have so manythings i need to read....better get

[ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: Hey 'tis okay take your time

[Cloudwatcher]: lol, i think i will, am i am..^_^

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: merry christmas every1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*smiles very bigly*

[Dark Trance]: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe hey all iz bac ...again*smiles bigly*

[Cloudwatcher]: Herro!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: merry christmas all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: man it doesn't feel like christmas 2 me*sighs*=(

[Cloudwatcher]: no it me hasent for th past few years...maybe we are just getting to old ^_^

[Dark Trance]: it really doesn't feel like christmas does it?

[Cloudwatcher]: nope....HEY!! NEWSFLASH I just created a new contest for anyone interested! Angel Contest ^_^ i would love for anyone to join!!

[Dark Trance]: i normally don't really do contests

[CelticMoon]: i may if i have time ...... is it just me or is it always hader to drew poeple then anything els

[Cloudwatcher]: O.o i love entering contests..its almost a pashion, lol ^_^ even though i never me people are easier but i have been working on drawing them and only them really

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i'm only 13 but maybe that is the reason my dad said the same thing to me

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehehe lol chucklechuckle teeheeteehee

[Cloudwatcher]: lol ^_^ maybe

[Cloudwatcher]: O_O

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: it's time to sing the doom song now doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom!!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: the doom of us all aparently

[Dark Trance]: no not doom!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: its the doom of the other wiki for this page..Clever spellers army was hacked and compleatly deleted.....><

[CelticMoon]: have you alerted the guards and cheked who last edited the page

[Cloudwatcher]: yea and the guards fixed so it looks like nothing happend <cheers> and the basterd was banned from elftown forever cuz it was a hobby of his to distroy wiki's ^^

[CelticMoon]: thank god for the guards lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol yes! and i have had a plesent conversation with him as well :D

[lady nytmare]: make a banner saying "BAD SPELLERS UNTIE" I feel that has more meaning ;)

[Cloudwatcher]: we untie?? untie what our shoes?? i thought of this then i thought hey! no one who just happened across it would i just stuck with something people would understand...

[Dark Trance]: lol nice

[Cloudwatcher]: i think it mkaes sence..O_o I'm not crazy!!! *runs and hides*

[Dark Trance]: lol

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